Cost and Selling Report


The Cost and Selling Report is used to compare costs and revenue from the service call and to check the amounts to be invoiced to confirm the percentage of profit on the call.

This report can be printed during preparation (before the invoicing step) and it can be reprinted after invoicing.

The Material Budget and Labour Budget entered for the service contract are also displayed in the report.

This report can be printed from any of the locations below:

  • from the Service Management menu (Invoicing section);
  • from the Preparation option;
  • from the Invoicing option.

By default, the following elements are not included on the report:

To display these values, check the Calculate the cost of the items to invoice, for the Cost and Selling Report,Calculate the selling and profit on non-billable items. and Print memo field 'Invoicing Detail' on the report. fields. These settings are available via the Configuration option in the Service Management menu, in the General – Cost and Selling Reportsection.

  • Transactions with an Unbillable status;
  • Text entered in the Invoicing Detail tab (Preparation);
  • The cost of items to be invoiced.


  • Return From a Service Call
  • Preparation


To generate the Cost and Selling Report:

From the Preparation or Invoicing options:

  1. Select a saved transaction from the Summary of uncharged services calls section (Preparation option) or in the Transaction Summary section (Invoicing option).
  2. Click on the drop-down menu of the Print icon and select Cost and Selling Report.


From the Service Management menu, Invoicing section:

  1. Click on the Cost and Selling Report option.
  2. Select the calls for which the Cost and Selling Report must be printed.

If multiple invoices have been prepared for a call, select the sales transaction to be printed. Only preparation transactions will be displayed if no invoices have been issued for a call. Otherwise, only the invoicing transactions will be available.

  1. Click Accept.

The Cost and Selling Report is displayed in the report viewer.

See also:

